Here's a very basic list of what I think I got out of my Study Abroad Experience:
1. 21 new relatives.
After living with the same people for 5 weeks, you start to get to know each other... Maybe a little too well. All I can say is, I will never see my professors Darrin and Susie the same way ever again. Don't worry, it's a good thing.
2. Open Eyes
I saw things done so differently- things I never even thought to question, never even considered could be done another way. It really broadened my perspective and I know it's really going to help me think outside the box.
3. Patriotism
There is no place like home. The end :)
4. Inspiration
My eyes have been opened to a different way of doing things, and it's given me a few ideas of my own. Seeing so many styles of art, architecture and interior design has given me a better idea of what I like. Or at least, a good direction to start in.
4. Myself
I think I've learned to be true to myself. It's ok to do things differently, and I'm strong enough that I can do things by myself. Also, there are a million guys out there trying to push their ideas onto the next sucker to come along. I refuse to let them win.
If I could have done just one thing differently, I would have liked to see more places directly related to interior design as a career. How amazing would it be to visit a big design firm in Europe????????? Pretty dang amazing.
I want to dedicate next few lines to funny quotes acquired on the road.
All’s good that ends good! –Stacy
Dead sloow. HOOT! -Leslie and Rachel
It’s ok, some people just have useless talents. –Maddi
Why can't you throw your litter on the ground like a normal person?! - Nicole
You never know what you'll see in the sea. -Irish tour guide, quoted by Leslie and Rachel
Bueno- Bueno- Bueno- Bueno… -Leslie and Rachel
Pet my hair! -Maddi
Sunshine will cure just about anything. Except for a sunburn. –Rachel
It’s Toe Time with Maddi! –Stacy
I’m giving this to Stephanie because she’s combless. -Maddi
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